Gengriz The Dark Side
© 2024 A number of Imperial War Museum pictures are also used on this site under the IWM Non-Commercial Licence

British Cold War AFVs and

Military Vehicles…

Please use the navigation buttons

above to move through the categories

shown on the right and see the

models in detail (or click the links below)

The models on the following pages represent vehicles used by the British Army (and in one case, the Royal Marines) during the Cold War and in recent times. Main Battle tanks Armoured Cars APCs/MCVs Recce & Patrol Vehicles Artillery & Air Defence Support Vehicles

Main Battle Tanks

Armoured Cars


Recce & Patrol

Artillery & AD

Support Vehicles

Gengriz The Dark Side
© 2023 A number of Imperial War Museum pictures are also used on this site under the IWM Non-Commercial Licence

British Cold War AFVs and

Military Vehicles…

Please use the navigation bar above to see

the models in detail.

The models on the following pages represent vehicles used by the British Army (and in one case, The Royal Marines) during the period known as the Cold War and in recent times.

Main Battle Tanks

Armoured Cars


Recce & Patrol

Artillery & AD

Support Vehicles